Introduction to AMPERE


AMPERE (Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education) is a “European” non-profit association devoted to the promotion of microwave and radio frequency heating techniques for research and industrial applications.

Despite the fact that AMPERE is a European association, it has a world-wide membership domain which comprises industrialists, academics and consultants.

The interests of the Association are very wide and encompass academia, commerce, domestic as well as industrial applications. Research and technology transfer plays an important role in the association’s activity, making the co-operation between industry and academic institutions a fundamental objective of the association.

AMPERE association was established in September 1993, when its formation was announced at the International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating in Gothenburg, Sweden. To be recognized throughout the EU and beyond, from 22 January 2003 the existing AMPERE Association became a non-profit Company registered at Company House in London, bearing the name AMPERE EUROPE LIMITED and the existing Association was dissolved.

At an Extraordinary General Meeting on August 6th 2008 at the 1st Global Congress On Microwave Energy Applications held in Japan it was decided to strike AMPERE off the Register of The Companies House in UK and re-open AMPERE Europe under a simplified law. At a meeting of the Directors at Karlsruhe on September 23, 2008 it was decided to define AMPERE as an association in France and this was effected on 10 December 2008.

The new AMPERE is once again a non-profit organization, and has to abide by the following Statutes (French version) (English version). At the Karlsruhe meeting the Directors present signed as founding members of the new AMPERE. A thorough discussion on the statutes as well as elections took place at the General Assembly which was held in Karlsruhe during the 12th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating.

AMPERE, together with other national microwave associations established in August 2006 MAJIC the International Federation of Associations in the Field of Microwave and RF Power Engineering. These associations are: Microwave Working Group (MWG, USA), Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education (AMPERE, Europe), Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications (JEMEA, Japan), International Microwave Power Institute (IMPI, USA), Chinese Microwave Society.


AMPERE Activities


The activities endorsed by AMPERE include biennial conferences, contribution to global congresses, workshops, technical committees, periodical publications, specialist conferences and meetings and educational programmes.



The main conference organised on behalf of AMPERE is known as the “International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating” and is held biennially. There have been 14 such conferences in Europe:
Cambridge-UK (1986), Arnhem-NL (1989), Nice-F (1991), Gothenburg-S (1993), Cambridge-UK (1995), Fermo-I (1997), Valencia-E (1999), Bayreuth-D (2001), Loughborough-UK (2003), Modena-I (2005), Oradea-ROM (2007), Karlsruhe-D (2009), Toulouse-F (2011), Nottingham-UK (2013), Krakow-PL (2015), Delft-NL (2017), Valencia-ES (2019), Gothenburg-SE (2021), and Cardiff-UK (2023).

Additionally, three Microwaves in Chemistry meetings have been sponsored by AMPERE. The first was held in Prague-CZ (1998), then it followed Antibes-F (2000), and Brno-CZ (2006).

AMPERE has also endorsed the World Congresses held in Florida-USA (1997) and (2000), Sydney-AUS (2002), Austin-USA (2004), Otsu-Japan (2008) and Long Beach, CA-USA (2012), and Cartagena-SPAIN (2016)..


The Newsletter


The AMPERE Newsletter appears quarterly and covers short topical articles written by experts in the field. Typically it also includes a profile, conference reports, advertisements, a calendar of events and news items on various aspects of radio frequency and microwave energy usage in the ISM frequency band, covering topics broadly from 1 MHz to 30 GHz, although higher frequencies have also been covered. It also highlights on promising new research developments to emanate from academe and industry.

Currently, the AMPERE Newsletter is edited by Dr. Roberto Rosa. Short articles for inclusion in the Newsletter are very welcome and prospective authors should contact the editor in the first instance.

Management Committee

Georgios Dimitrakis AMPERE

Georgios Dimitrakis


Claudia Fernández-Martín AMPERE

Claudia Fernández-Martín

General Secretary

Koen van Reusel AMPERE

Koen van Reusel


Jean Paul Bernard AMPERE

Jean Paul Bernard

French resident

Scientific Committee


Cristina Leonelli AMPERE

Cristina Leonelli

Gary Bond AMPERE

Gary Bond


Roberto Rosa AMPERE

Roberto Rosa


Andrew C. Metaxas AMPERE

Andrew C. Metaxas


Guido Link AMPERE

Guido Link

Advisory Board

Delegation for UIE

Koen Van Reusel AMPERE

Koen Van Reusel

Delegation for Microwave Discharge association

Eli Jerby AMPERE

Eli Jerby

Delegation for MAJIC Confederation

Juan Monzò Cabrera AMPERE

Juan Monzò Cabrera

José Fayos Fernandez AMPERE

José Fayos-Fernández

Delegation for workshops, student mobility, webinars & courses

Georgios Dimitrakis AMPERE

Georgios Dimitrakis

Bala Vaidhyanathan AMPERE

Bala Vaidhyanathan

Isabel Polaert

Isabel Polaert

Paolo Veronesi AMPERE

Paolo Veronesi

Delegation for Summer Schools

Dariusz Bogdał AMPERE

Dariusz Bogdał

Mariana Patrascu AMPERE

Mariana Patrascu

Katarzyna Matras-Postolek AMPERE

Katarzyna Matras-Postolek

Daniel R. Slocombe AMPERE

Daniel R. Slocombe

Industry Link

Jean Paul Bernard AMPERE

Jean-Paul Bernard

Markus Dingeldein AMPERE

Markus Dingeldein

Marco Fiore AMPERE

Marco Fiore

Francesco Garuti AMPERE

Francesco Garuti

Marilena Radoiu AMPERE

Marilena Radoiu

Chinese Link (CAMPA)


Jun Wu Tao

Kama Huang AMPERE

Kama Huang

Congresses Organization

Per Olof Hedekvist AMPERE

Per Olof Hedekvist

Felipe Peñaranda Foix AMPERE

Felipe Peñaranda Foix

Georgios D. Stefanidis AMPERE

Georgios D. Stefanidis

Birgitta Raaholt AMPERE

Birgitta Raaholt

AMPERE Statuses

Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education. 


Article 3. Objectives

The association is without lucrative goal and has its mission:

• to promote the teaching of the microwaves and the radio frequency in Europe
• to try to establish standard programs of the microwaves and the radio frequency teaching
• to establish mechanisms of cooperation between the industry and the education and research institution
• to promote the continuing education
• to encourage the research and the development of common research programs
• to encourage the exchanges of teaching staffs, researchers, students (including of the industrial stages) – and engineers
• to give an opinion motivated on the dangers and the inherent risks to the use of the microwave and radio frequency energy
• the promotion of the technological transfer between institutions of research, academies and industry


Article 4. Activities

The association will pursue its objectives by a certain number of activities and particularly:

• it will establish and will maintain a list of its members
• it will establish a network of information exchange
• it will organize of the conferences and seminaries and will publish the proceeding
• it will collaborate with other international organizations


Established in Karlsruhe (Germany), September 23 2008

Association de Micro-onde de Puissance en Europe pour la Recherche et l’Enseignement.


Article 3 – Objectifs

L’Association est sans but lucratif et a pour objet:

• de promouvoir l’enseignement des micro-ondes et des hautes fréquences en Europe

• d’essayer d’établir des programmes communs d’enseignement des micro-ondes et les hautes fréquences
• d’établir des mécanismes de coopération entre l’industrie et les organismes d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche
• de promouvoir l’éducation permanente
• d’encourager la recherche et le développement d’activités communes de recherches
• d’encourager les échanges de personnels enseignants, chercheurs, étudiants (inclusivement des stages industriels)- et ingénieurs
• de donner un avis motivé sur les dangers et les risques inhérents à l’utilisation de l’énergie micro-onde et haute fréquence
la promotion du transfert technologique entre institutions de recherche, académies et industrie.


Article 4 – Activités

L’Association remplira ses objectifs par un certain nombre d’activités en particulier:

• elle établira et maintiendra une liste de ses membres
• elle établira un réseau d’échange d’information
• elle organisera des conférences et séminaires et en publiera les comptes rendus
elle collaborera avec d’autres organisations internationales.


Established in Karlsruhe (Germany), September 23 2008