Call for Papers

AMPERE Newsletter welcomes submissions of articles, briefs and news on topics of interest for the RF-and-microwave heating community. These may include:

  • Research briefs and discovery reports.
  • Review articles on R&D trends and thematic issues.
  • Technology-transfer and commercialization.
  • Safety, RFI, and regulatory aspects.
  • Technological and market forecasts.
  • Comments, views, and visions.
  • Interviews with leading innovators and experts.
  • New projects, openings and hiring opportunities.
  • Tutorials and technical notes.
  • Social, cultural and historical aspects.
  • Economical and practical considerations.
  • Upcoming events, new books and papers.

AMPERE Newsletter is an ISSN registered periodical publication hence its articles are citable as references. However, the Newsletter’s publication criteria may differ from that of common scientific Journals by its acceptance (and even encouragement) of news in more premature stages of on-going efforts. We believe that this seemingly less-rigorous editorial approach may accelerate the circulation of new ideas and discoveries among the AMPERE community, enrich our common knowledge, and excite new ideas, findings, and developments. Please send your submission to the Newsletter, or any question, comment or suggestion to the Editor using the following call for papers form.

AMPERE Newsletter Editor

Roberto Rosa

Terms and Conditions

14 + 6 =